Invitation to Automech Formula 2017

Automech Formula 2017 11

Invitation to Automech Formula 2017

Dear Sir / Madam,

Ev rûmeta min kêfxweş e kêfxweş e ku hûn ji bo Automech Formula 2017, Qamişlo Motora Qahîre ya Cairoê, beşdariya pîşesazên otototîk li Rojhilata Navîn û Afrîkaya Navîn (MENA) girîng e û herî girîng e. Ev nîşana bûyerê tenê otototîk e ku di Misirê de ji aliyê UFI û OICA ve hat pejirandin.

China Lutong Parts Plant is a professional OEM & Aftermarket parts supplier, which specialized in diesel engine parts. Our main products include Control Valve, Injectors,nozzle,common rail valve, Head rotor (VE Pump Parts), Plunger, Delivery Valve, Cam Disk, Repair Kits, Feed Pump and more.

Ev bazirganiya herî mezin û herî mezintir e ku ji bo pîşesazî ya otobusaziyê ve ye û ev platformê ye ku ji bo birêveberên bilind ên xweser ên otomobîlan, pirtûkxane, karsazên motorcar, pisporên pargîdaniyê û firotina xizmetê bi firotanê bazirganî ji Misirê û Bakurê Afrîkayê re hevdîtin e. Di vê sê rojan de, Hûn bi kêfxweş in ku ji me re li ser me li me bigerin: No. 5.E208.

Automech Formula 2017
Bo Nimûne: 5.E208
Dates Show: 10-12 Kanûn 2017
Demjimêre: 11:00 - 07:00 PM
Cih: Cairo-Navenda Konferansa Navnetewî (CICC)
Navnîşana Web: http://

Em hêvî dikin ku hûn li nîşanî te bibînin.

Bi Rizgarkirina
Çînê Lutong Parts Plant

Glyceryl Monostearate

Glyceryl Monostearate Also called single glyceride. A non-ionic surfactant. Milky white to yellowish flake or powder. Tasteless, odorless and non-toxic. Heat to melt. Insoluble in water, but dispersed in hot water, soluble in vegetable oil, soluble in hot ethanol, ether, chloroform and acetone. Melting point 54-60℃. It is prepared by vinegar exchange of glycerol and fatty acid methyl vinegar in the presence of alkaline catalyst. As an emulsifier of water-in-oil plastic and oil-in-oil type, it is used to prepare snow cream, cold cream milk and other products. As a solvent for oils and waxes, hygroscopic powder protectant and opaque sunshade. It is used in medicine as an excipient and in the preparation of neutral ointments; As a food additive used in a large number of noodles. Pastry and into cream, butter, ice cream.

Glyceryl Monostearate,Powder Glyceryl Monostearate,Glyceryl Monostearate White,Glyceryl Monostearate White Powder

Hengshui Yimei New Material Technology Co.,Ltd ,